[ Generative ]


Luke Shannon

This series was presented in partnership with BrightMoments.

If an orchid looks within itself, it realizes that its presence depends on the bugs, birds, and people that pollinate it. The orchid realizes the rain and the sun are within itself. Together, they endlessly change, bloom, and decay, suffused with light, energy, and love. By examining herself, the orchid forgets herself, and therefore is verified by all things.


Luke makes generative art, where hyper-specific and syntactical code delineates an infinite space, and the chaos of chance fills it. The viewer provides this chance. The work that exists by a viewing act, is unique to that viewing act, and often never exists again. Any individual output shown in this portfolio is a single angle on a piece of infinity we can never wholly see. For Luke, shaping such a space is the most complete way to describe the things he feels and sees, because it seeks multiplicity and universality rather than individual manifestation.